Why Traveling is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself – Especially Now
The year 2020 was indeed a formative event for all humanity. One way or another, there has been an undeniable impact, whether direct or indirect effect, depending on your location or industry that you are in.
In the past, travel was considered a luxury especially reserved for those who work hard to save up for that dream destination or those fortunate enough to be born into wealth. However, as the world evolved, travel has become increasingly accessible to everyone, but 2020 changed that promising landscape instantly.
For us at Culturality, travel is by far the best gift you can give yourself. This pandemic has highlighted its profound significance. The standstill caused to the entire travel and hospitality industry and even the world as a whole cleared our perspective and how we perceive travel. Let’s identify the benefits of travel that are usually overlooked.
Travel Makes You Healthier. From short day tours to extensive voyages or hikes, any type of travel will require a certain level of physical activity. Even if you are not the most active or athletic person, allowing your body to engage in a series of walks, cycling, snorkeling, or even skydiving will involve physical activities that can improve circulation, metabolism, and cardiovascular function. Traveling is a holistic psychophysiological activity that affects your body and your mind. After a long day of tours and walks, you might feel exhausted, but there is a distinct feeling of accomplishment and rejuvenation that you can never get from your routine activities.
Travel Relieves Stress. Perfectionist travelers might argue that traveling is stressful. While there is a grain of truth in that, the stress is concentrated only in the planning stage until the day before you travel. Experiencing new activities, seeing new places, embracing new cultures, and tasting new flavors enable your body to experience destressing from all the pressure accumulated because of your work, routine activities, or even personal struggles that you have to deal with daily.
Travel Significantly Reduces the Risk for Depression. Numerous studies already confirmed that traveling greatly reduces the risk for depression. The holistic experience that traveling provides stimulates the senses and enhances endorphins production, which are essential hormones that establish a happy and positive feeling. Traveling serves as a beautiful distraction and provides downtime that can eliminate triggers for anxiety or other psychological triggers that manifest whenever a person feels isolated or stuck in a routine.
Travel Boosts Your Confidence. Traveling puts you in a position where you have to use all your senses – seeing places, tasting dishes, smelling aromas, touching garments or souvenirs, and hearing the locals’ conversations. Thus, traveling improves your confidence to blend in with the locals and feel good about yourself. You will notice a difference when it comes to initiating or engaging in a conversation, trying out new things, or even finding a long-lost passion that you never thought you had.
Traveling Causes Creativity to Skyrocket. Even if you don’t consider yourself innately creative, traveling will bestow you with a creative soul. Whether it be in photography, fashion, or just a matter of self-expression, traveling provides a massive playground and art studio where you will find something that will spark creativity in you.
This list can go on and on, but the question is, when are you ready to receive your gift of travel?